Ethnic Events




Zach Stevenot - Ali Alamshahi- Preson Lam


Ethnic Events is a Chicago based company. With the focus of making cultural exploration possible wherever. More specifically to facilitate the opportunity for everyone to engage in experiences from various cultures that collectively represent the people of the USA.

Want to create it place for users to be able to travel internationally right here in their cities in the USA and experience a different culture without having to get on a plane. As well as making it easier for people to share their events and communities with others who may not normally have access.


UX/UI Designer


Figma, Miro, Adobe Illustrator, and Google

Challenges & Solution


  • Users need a way to find local cultural events because they are planning a trip abroad next year and would like to familiarize themselves with culture

  • Ethnic Events needs a website redesign that offers users an experience where they can learn about culture, attend cultural events, & improve their experience with browsing events.

  • Companies to book private cultural events for their workforce


  • A browsing page and filtering system that allows users to search by culture and event type.

  • A culture discovery section that offers information about the culture and recommends organizations and events.

  • An event page that offers all information necessary for the user to attend.

  • A dashboard for organizers to easily add or manage events and ticket purchases.


UX Audit

We performed a UX audit of the current website to determine which parts of the site can be improved and provided recommendations to enhance the user experience.

User Surveys

  • Users are most likely to attend cultural events revolving around food and music.

  • Socializing, enjoyment, learning, & networking are the main reasons for users to attend events.

  • Facebook and Google are the main resources for users to find events

What aspects of culture do you most enjoy?

What websites do you use to search/find events?

User Interview Insights

  • Users wanted clear categories in the search results and event browsing pages.

  • Users wanted social media integration as most of them use Facebook currently.

  • All users again mentioned food as their main interest when it came to culture.

  • All users were interested in learning more about culture which further us to create the culture discovery section of the website.



User Goals

  • Needs a convenient way to browse events.

  • Cares a lot about experiencing culture with friends.

  • Is interested in the idea of having a medium to learn and experience cultures.



Design System

Color pallet made from earthy tones to represent various cultures, and make the colors in the photos pop.

Event Cards & Color Pallet

Made sure the tags and detail info readable and easy to scan for any type of image.


Opens Sans and Merriweather were chosen because they paired well with each other and open sans was readable and easy to read at a glance.

Buttons and Iconography

Chose a thin outline for icons and solid and outline orange for our buttons.


Usability Testing

Task 1

  1. On the home page, show me how you would find and add the event called the “Flowers Secret” to your calendar.

  2. Tell me where the event is being held.

  3. Tell me who the event organizer is.

  4. Tell me what culture this event is from.

Task 2

  1. Can you tell me which events are free?

  2. Can you tell me which events are online?

Task 3

  1. Can you show me how you would sign up for an account?

  2. Can you show me how you would log in if you already had an account?

Task 4

  1. How would you go about finding the Japanese Culture page?

Testing Findings

  • Users wanted a way to sort the search results by price

  • Users wanted a way to sort by Online events

  • A user was confused by the footer category “Solutions”

  • Users wanted a way to tell the card was clickable

  • Users wanted to be able to have filter options while browsing