Mission: Mentor



UI/UX Designer

Team Members

Zach Stevenot - Andrew Tang - Vicky Lin - Erin Naylor - Stephanie Urch

Mission Statement

Mission Mentor is an EdTech nonprofit founded by Harvard students building a free, virtual college counselor for high school students. Recommends scholarships and summer programs through eligibility matchmaking.


  • Design a mobile and desktop website

  • Design the users dashboard

  • Design the user onboarding process

  • Create a comprehensive design system


Figma, Trello, Zeplin, Notion, Google, Slack

Challenges & Solutions


  • How to recommend a scholarship to a student in under a minute

  • Revamp the dashboard, database and landing page

  • Use multiple gradients in the design system

  • Create a mobile version of website


  • Created a “Tinder match” feel to the recommend matches for intuitive matching process

  • Organized the database and created match criteria for filters

  • Made the landing page have a narrative feel, leading the user through process of their prod

  • Used the gradients for highlights and in overlays


Landing Page Mini Onboarding

The user needed to the value in the Mission: Mentor website and the ease of which finding a scholarship match with a quick onboarding process matching them with scholarships based on interests and test scores in a few easy steps.


Dashboard Scholarship Cards

The recommended scholarships cards needed top priority on the dashboard, so that the users could quickly save, apply or remove for quick access to potential scholarship matches. Used the “Tinder Match” feel of liking and disliking potential matches for an intuitive matching process.


Color Pallet

The color pallet was chosen to be light and colorful and use gradients for highlights to attract a younger Gen Z audience to using the product.



The database is designed to filter through the users profile and determine which scholarships have a greater acceptance rate. Which is represented by color green is highly likely, blue is a good chance and the pinkish-red is a low chance of acceptance, As well as having the brand blue representing not signed-in for match eligibility and gray for ineligible.


Fun Hover Interactions

I wanted the user to have some fun when using the website so I created some hover interactions for the scholarhsip cards with vector icons representing the subject.


Usability Testing - Dashboard Scholarship Cards

A/B Testing - Landing Page

I participated in a round of A/B testing with six of users to determine which landing page would work best with our users. We tested a more conventional landing page with a narritive style landing page and the users found the narrative style more inviting and playful which was our goal in designing the landing page.