
Hurricane Harvey Project (Livestock Rescue)


Team Members

Zach Stevenot | Angel Robles | Kathryn Drury | Somaiya Kibria


Class project team was tasked with designing an application and website that will support livestock owners in protecting their livestock during a hurricane. Our mock client FEMA would like to focus their efforts specifically on Houston, TX, and utilize Harvey as their case study to inform the application and website being built.


UX Designer


Figma, Miro, Google, Slack

Challenges & Solution


Livestock owners need a communication method to chat in real-time and get live shelter updates, so that they can take proactive actions and avoid economic loss


  • To use a real-time feed and messaging service, where rescue teams, shelters and livestock owners can communicate.

  • Create a proactive alerts system and provide them with a channel for evacuation support.


Hurricane Harvey impact on livestock

  • Agricultural losses from Hurricane Harvey estimated at $200 million

  • $90 million dollars losses in cattle

  • Each cow loss costs around $1250-1450

What Did the rescue effort look like?

Supply Points

Supply Points

Shelters (Texas A&M Vets)

Shelters (Texas A&M Vets)

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Interviews with livestock owners, shelter workers, and first responders.

Gained insights from 10 users on certain problems like:

  • Finding high ground during a hurricane.

  • Livestock be left to shelter in place and needing rescue.

  • Finding supply points.

  • Too much paperwork for the shelters for lost livestock.

Affinity mapping

We took quotes, made “how might we” statements from the 10 interviews and found that there were big communication problems between livestock owners, shelters, and rescue units. We also found that only certain livestock ranches that were not on high ground were impacted the most.

Emergency Response Research - Frame 1.jpg


User Goal

Our Personas are made from our interviews we pulled quotes to create their goals, frustrations and personal quotes.

Frame 22.png
Frame 21.png
Frame 23.png


Sketch Workshop

We did a workshop for sketching out our mobile first designs and then voted on the aspects we liked on each design.

Emergency Response Research - Frame 9-500.jpg
Emergency Response Research - Frame 10-500.jpg

We then made a preliminary wireframe in Miro, combining all the aspects of the sketches we wanted to keep

Emergency-Response-Research-Online-Whiteboard-for-Visual-Collaboration (2).png

Livestock Identification profile

▶-Page-1-desktop-herd (1).png

We wanted to have a place for all the identification paperwork that the user could share, and it would help the shelters and livestock owners recover their lost livestock. The portfolio would include contact info, brands, livestock Info, and legal paperwork.

Testing & Improvements


Testing Results

We tested six users on three different tasks, the most confusion was around task 2 requesting help to move cattle to shelters.


Improvements after Testing

▶-Page-1-desktop-herd (2).png

After our testing we combined our profile page and files, as users noted that keeping them separated was confusing. We also changed the chat request for support for moving cattle. We made it friendlier and less like an AI chat.



Mobile Prototype


Desktop Prototype
